
MacKenzie and Moore outline the possibility that not exhibiting this behavior in a democratic manner can paradoxically influence decision-making and legitimize political processes. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this broad behavior displayed by individuals in democratic societies who, for example, are active in volunteer work or who vote in elections.
ANSWER: civic participation [or civic engagement; accept “Democratic Non-Participation”; prompt on civic activity]
[10m] In a classic study, Robert Putnam uses community bowling leagues to illustrate how a decline in civic participation is linked to a decline in this metric encompassing trust between individuals.
ANSWER: social capital [prompt on capital] (The classic Putnam study is Bowling Alone.)
[10h] Putnam details the “re-potting” hypothesis, which contends that civic participation also decreases with an increase in this practice. Conversely, Buttrick and Oishi link a decline in this practice to decreased civic participation and “cultural stagnation.”
ANSWER: moving [accept residential mobility or “The Cultural Dynamics of Declining Residential Mobility”; accept answers like suburbanization or White Flight; reject “social mobility” or “intergenerational mobility”]
<GP, Social Science>

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