
A book about these concepts opens by discussing Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, who would only accept testimony from someone who had actually experienced the gas chambers. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these concepts, exemplified by the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized, that one philosopher referred to as arising from an “inverted sublime.” A book named for these concepts opens with a “Reading Dossier” and attempts to situate politics in the context of the linguistic turn in philosophy.
ANSWER: differends [accept The Differend]
[10m] The Differend is a book by this French author of The Postmodern Condition.
ANSWER: Jean-Francois Lyotard
[10e] Lyotard earlier analyzed politics as an expression of desire and critiqued Karl Marx’s idea of the “false consciousness” in The Libidinal Economy, which borrows its title concept from this Austrian father of psychoanalysis.
ANSWER: Sigmund Freud
<JS, Philosophy>

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