In an essay, this author demonstrates the ridiculousness of capitalizing all nouns by translating “The Tale of the Fishwife and its Sad Fate.” An essay by this author complains of the “overwrought reverence” and “callous disrespect” of the fact that “a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has” in the title language. This author so hated a French translation of one of his stories that he retranslated it and subtitled it (*) “Clawed Back Into a Civilized Language Once More.” The advice “A tale shall accomplish something and arrive somewhere” appears in an essay by this writer, which complains that an author “breaks the record” by scoring “114 offenses…out of a possible 115” in that author’s novel The Deerslayer. For 10 points, name this American satirist who wrote “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses” and created Huckleberry Finn. ■END■
ANSWER: Mark Twain [or Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (The essay in the first two sentences is “The Awful German Language.”)
<CM, American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position