
One member of this group hid fake blood inside a “Bible-like book” that he stabbed with a hidden sword to protest hypocrisy among this group’s members. A thinker who belonged to this group argued that slavery resulted from the misapplication of power and was “inconsistent with the Christian religion” in his posthumously published “Journal of John Woolman.” A split in this group was led by a figure (15[1])who claimed to have died and been reborn genderless with the title (*) “Public Universal.” (10[1])One member of this group negotiated his colony’s first land purchase treaty with the Lenape in 1682. (10[1])That man established a “Holy Experiment” as a safe haven for this group after receiving a land grant from Charles II. (10[1])For 10 points, name this famously nonviolent religious group that included William Penn and was also known as the “Society of Friends.” ■END■

ANSWER: Quakers [accept Society of Friends until read] (The first line refers to Benjamin Lay.)
<JF, American History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Quentin MotGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech A6615
Sara SimpkinsGeorgia BGeorgia A8010
Luke ZhangEmory AGeorgia Tech D9710
Adhav RavikumarGeorgia Tech CTennesee A11810
