
Stephen Kinzer’s book on this country, Blood of Brothers, chronicles the murder of American hydroelectric engineer Ben Linder. Susan Meiselas’s (15[1])photo of a soldier about to throw a Molotov cocktail became a symbol of a revolution in this country. ABC News reporter Bill Stewart was executed on public television by this country’s military. Contraband from this country was allegedly funneled to traffickers like Freeway Rick Ross with implicit CIA support according to (*) Gary Webb’s “Dark Alliance” (-5[1])reports. (-5[1])Illegal arms sales used to fund counterrevolutionary forces in this country were investigated by (10[1])the Tower Commission, leading to the conviction of Oliver North. For 10 points, name this country whose 1980s civil war was fought between the Contras and Sandinistas. (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Nicaragua [or Republic of Nicaragua; or República de Nicaragua]
<VD, American History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordNorth Carolina BJames Madison B1915
Mohamed ElhiberNC StateSouth Carolina A75-5
Jeffery AustinNorth Carolina AJames Madison A76-5
Aditya SharmaDukeSouth Carolina B9010
Aidan CasdinJames Madison ANorth Carolina A11710
Khushi UmarwadiaSouth Carolina ANC State11810