
Only species name required. This pathogen, which possesses a pseudocapsule, shares its Rmp and Opa virulence factors with a related “true-capsule” species. It’s not S. aureus, but pustular lesions on the trunk of a young adult presenting with tenosynovitis and septic arthritis are typically indicative of the disseminated form of this bacterium’s eponymous disease. A [emphasize] positive result on a modified Thayer-Martin agar in a patient with pelvic inflammatory disease indicates this bacterium’s presence. Like its (*) meningitidis relative, this diplococcal species resembles coffee beans. It’s not C. trachomatis, but neonatal conjunctivitis caused by this bacterium is prevented through the topical application of erythromycin onto an infant’s eyes. The genus Neisseria contains this bacterium whose eponymous disease is the second (10[1])most common bacterial STI after Chlamydia. For 10 points, name this bacterium responsible for “the clap.” ■END■

ANSWER: Neisseria gonorrhoeae [or gonococcus or gonococci; accept Gonorrhea; prompt on Neisseria by asking “what species in Neisseria?”]
<KT, Biology>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina ANorth Carolina B11810


2023 ARCADIA at DukeEmory, Duke, YaleY1100%0%0%118.00
2023 ARCADIA at EmoryEmory, Duke, YaleY475%0%50%132.00
2023 ARCADIA OnlineMaryland, OnlineY1100%0%0%102.00