
One of this composer’s students, Ludwig Berger, taught piano to the four Mendelssohn children. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this pianist and composer of the Classical era. Piano students often learn a C-major piece by this composer that opens with the refrain “C, short E – C, low G, G” and inspired a “bureaucratic” piece by Erik Satie.
ANSWER: Muzio Clementi
[10m] Clementi also taught Therese Jansen, a pianist to whom Haydn dedicated his final three pieces in this genre. Clara Schumann’s G minor piece for this chamber ensemble inspired Robert to write one in D minor a year later.
ANSWER: piano trios [prompt on trios]
[10e] The Irish inventor of this musical genre, John Field, studied under Clementi through his youth. Field heavily influenced Chopin’s compositions in this genre of character pieces that evoke the night, like his Opus 9, No. 2.
ANSWER: nocturne
<VD, Auditory Fine Arts>

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