For a system of tasks that may lock resources, the “wait-for” one of these constructs can be used to represent the system state and identify deadlocks. Weisfeiler-Leman algorithms are used on these objects, which may be used to construct a static schedule by building one of these objects. In 2015, László Babai announced work on a problem named for these objects that runs in quasipolynomial time. The expression D minus A gives a type of (*) Laplacian representing these objects. One of these objects that obeys the triangle inequality is used as input for the Christofides algorithm. Kruskal’s algorithm constructs a minimum spanning tree on these objects, which may be used for causality diagramming in their directed acyclic form. For 10 points, name these objects that consist of a collection of vertices connected by edges. ■END■
ANSWER: graphs [accept directed graphs; accept directed acyclic graphs; accept graph Laplacian; accept graph isomorphism problem; accept wait-for graph; accept DAGs; prompt on isomorphisms by asking “what other objects name that problem?;” reject trees]
<RA, Other Science: Computer Science>
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