
This thinker opined that “every scheme must be tried” for abolition, leading a book of his to be banned across the United States. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this thinker whose essay collection Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World encouraged the reader to oppose slavery by violent means.
ANSWER: David Walker
[10e] In his argument, Walker appeals to “republican virtue,” which was echoed in a later speech by Frederick Douglas which asked what this date means to a black person.
ANSWER: July 4th [accept “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”]
[10m] Walker suggests every black person get a copy of this book so they can refute query 14’s declaration of the natural inferiority of black people. It details the geography of its title state and also includes passages advocating the separation of church and state.
ANSWER: Notes on the State of Virginia (by Thomas Jefferson)
<MB, American History>

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