
The Pauson-Khand (“PAW-son KOND”) reaction features a synthetically impressive ability to form three new carbon–carbon bonds from an alkene, a carbonyl source, and this functional group. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this functional group that has decent backbonding ability, allowing it to form double metallo·cyclo·propane complexes.
ANSWER: alkyne [reject “alkane” or “alkene”]
[10m] In Pauson-Khand reactions, this compound serves as a carbonyl source. This excellent backbond acceptor is a strong dative ligand for metal centers.
ANSWER: carbon monoxide [accept CO]
[10e] The oxidant N·M·O may be added in the Pauson-Khand reaction to improve this metal’s ability to act as a catalyst. This non-copper metal can be found within vitamin B12 complexes and names a blue pigment.
ANSWER: cobalt [accept Co; accept cobalt blue]
<JZ, Chemistry>

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