
They’re not kidneys, but these structures are systematically associated with a sclero·choroidal condition that presents with multiple, ill-defined yellow placoid lesions. Adenomas in these structures can be detected by a sestamibi scan, which localizes Tc99 to their oxy·phil cells. These structures are the most likely cause of a condition whose symptoms are described as “stones, bones, groans…and psychiatric overtones.” These structures release a compound that inhibits OPG synthesis, thereby elevating (*) RANKL levels. These structures (-5[1])release a compound that upregulates alpha-1-hydroxylase, which promotes phosphate reabsorption by catalyzing the activation of Vitamin D. It’s not the stomach, but chief cells in these glands release a compound that counterintuitively stimulates osteoblasts to activate (-5[1])osteoclasts and break down bone. For 10 points, calcitonin is opposed by a calcium-elevating hormone released by what glands located adjacent to the thyroid? (10[2])■END■

ANSWER: parathyroid glands [accept parathyroid hormone; prompt on PTH; reject “thyroid”] (The first line refers to sclerochoroidal calcification. The second line refers to hypercalcemia.)
<KT, Biology>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew ZengStanford ABerkeley A73-5
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BBerkeley C109-5
Aditya SivakumarBerkeley CBerkeley B13410
Shahar SchwartzBerkeley AStanford A13410