
Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research in this city was the first clinic to perform gender-affirming surgeries. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this capital city whose Weimar-era gay nightclubs like the Eldorado inspired the setting for the musical Cabaret.
ANSWER: Berlin
[10m] The SPD and KPD satirized the Nazis as homosexuals due to this man’s leaked love letters to Karl-Günther Heimsoth. Hitler’s fear of a coup from this leader of the Brownshirts caused the Night of the Long Knives.
ANSWER: Ernst Röhm [or Ernst Julius Günther Röhm]
[10h] Erwin Gohrbandt, one of the first sex reassignment surgeons, later conducted hypothermia experiments at this first Nazi concentration camp located northwest of Munich. Theodor Eicke’s structure for this camp became the standard for others.
ANSWER: Dachau (“DAH-khow”)
<GE, European History>

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