
Elaborate bronze headdresses, like the ones discovered at Wanborough Temple and buried with the Deal Warrior, are thought to have been worn by these people. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these people, one of whom may have been buried with their surgical tools and an early board game at Colchester. The Romans described the human sacrifice rituals practiced by this Celtic priestly caste.
ANSWER: druids
[10h] Evidence for the Lindow Man’s status as a druidic nobleman suggests that he consumed a special loaf made with this plant prior to his ritual murder. This medicinal plant was viewed as an “all-heal” by the Celts.
ANSWER: mistletoe
[10m] Other possibly Druidic artifacts include bronze spoons carved in the La Tene style that may have been used for this purpose. In ancient Rome, augurs engaged in this practice by watching the flight patterns of birds.
ANSWER: divination [accept similar answers such as interpreting omens, revealing the will of the gods, and prophesying the future or the unknown; accept prophecy]

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