
Blood proteins compete to perform this process on surfaces in the Vroman effect, resulting in sequential displacement of abundant, lower-affinity proteins like albumin for higher-affinity proteins. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this process described by the Langmuir isotherm, in which molecules adhere to a surface.
ANSWER: adsorption
[10m] Adsorption of this protein is a key roadblock for implants, since thrombosis can easily cause devices to fail. In clotting, this glycoprotein is cleaved by thrombin to form a derivative that then begins polymerizing.
ANSWER: fibrinogen
[10h] Fibrinogen adsorption initiates the foreign body reaction to biomaterials, which can eventually lead to the formation of one of these structures consisting of fused macrophages. These structures form in sarcoidosis and form environments for dormant Mycobacterium in another disease.
ANSWER: granulomas [accept caseating granulomas and non-caseating granulomas]
<VD, Biology>

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