
A two-dimensional example of these features subject to the constraint “omega equals k-squared psi” is the Lamb–Chaplygin dipole. Motion near “lines” of these features is described by three theorems devised by Helmholtz, which are proven (-5[1])using a theorem named for Kelvin. The Strouhal number is defined by the rate of “shedding” of these features, which generate a “street” named for von Karman. (10[1])A (10[1])set of three of these features that form a characteristic horseshoe shape surround an aircraft wing. A quantity named (10[1])for these features is defined as the curl of flow velocity, whose surface integral is circulation. Small examples of these features are called (10[1])eddies. (-5[2])For 10 points, name these swirling (-5[1])features in a fluid flow exemplified by tornadoes and whirlpools. ■END■ (10[4])

ANSWER: vortex [or vortices; accept vorticity; accept vortex shedding or von Karman vortex street or horseshoe vortex; accept eddies until read; prompt on specific types of vortices such as whirlpools]
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y989%0%44%99.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Richard NiuCornell CColumbia A34-5
Jason QinColumbia BRutgers A6110
Dylan Epstein-Gross (DII)Princeton ANYU A6210
Lydia TarekegnYale AVassar8110
Danny HanPenn ARutgers B10410
Arjun BothraHaverfordPrinceton B105-5
Srikar VenkatesanPenn BYale C105-5
John ShellyRowan ANYU B111-5
John John GrogerColumbia ACornell C12210
Rico-ian BantingNYU BRowan A12210
Jupiter DingPrinceton BHaverford12210
Cyrus HodgsonBard AColumbia C12210