
A ruler whose name derives from “silver” may have been an ancestor of this region’s Turdetani people. A munity at Sucro in this region was supported by the brothers Indibilis and Mandonius. The falcata sword was wielded by warriors from this region (-5[1])who encircled Mancinus and forced Tiberius Gracchus to hastily sue for peace. Tribal children in this region (-5[1])were taught at the (10[1])School of Osca established by Quintus Sertorius. Hasdrubal Gisco lost to a “reverse Cannae” at Ilipa (“ILL-ih-puh”) in this region, which was later the location of the Numantine War. (-5[1])A city in this region was renamed Carthago (-5[1])Nova during a war sparked by Hannibal’s siege of Saguntum. (10[1])This region was the birthplace of Trajan and Hadrian. For 10 points, name this region home to the Lusitanians and the Iberians. ■END■ (10[4]0[3])

ANSWER: Hispania [or Iberia or Iberian Peninsula until mention; accept Hispania Citerior; or Hispania Ulterior; accept Hispania Baetica; or Hispania Tarraconensis; or Hispania Lusitania; accept Spain; accept Portugal; prompt on Tartessos] (That legendary ruler was Arganthonios of Tartessos.)
<Other History>
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2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y967%0%44%115.67


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Cooper RohColumbia BRutgers A41-5
Nathan ZhangCornell CColumbia A58-5
Ben SterlingYale AVassar6210
William HelmanBard AColumbia C90-5
Anirudh BharadwajPenn ARutgers B98-5
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU APrinceton A10810
John John GrogerColumbia ACornell C13110
Ashish KumbhardareRowan ANYU B13110
Noah DornPrinceton BHaverford13110
Simon EmmanuelRutgers BPenn A1310
Yixi YangYale CPenn B1310
Lexi TermanRutgers AColumbia B13110
Chenyao LiuPenn BYale C1310