
A 2003 painting by Kerry James Marshall removes one of these events from an 1899 painting as an “allegory of liberation.” A painting of one of these events depicts a future mayor of London in a pose inspired by the Borghese (“bor-GAY-zee”) Gladiator. The perpetrator of one of these events blows air from their nostrils and has inaccurate lips based on jawbone studies. The Bahamian tale of McCabe’s Curse inspired a painting in which one of these events (10[1])occurs in the foreground as a Black man looks away (10[1])indifferently. (-5[6])In a 1778 painting, the Morro Castle looms over a harpooner (10[1])in a rescue boat in a scene of one of these events in Havana Harbor. Winslow Homer’s The Gulf Stream depicts, for 10 points, what sort of event that John Singleton Copley depicted happening to Brook Watson? ■END■ (10[3]0[2])

ANSWER: shark attack [accept Watson and the Shark; accept descriptions and forms such as being attacked by a shark; prompt on being stranded at sea]
<Painting and Sculpture>
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2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y967%0%67%111.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BBard A7610
Aum MundheRutgers AColumbia C8610
Cooper RohColumbia BNYU B87-5
William GrogerColumbia APrinceton B87-5
Owen MimnoNYU ARowan A87-5
Iyanu NafiuYale CPenn A87-5
William OrrYale AHaverford87-5
Sam MacchiVassarRutgers B87-5
Nathan ZhangCornell CPenn B9810
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AYale C13610
Ashish KumbhardareRowan ANYU A13610
Ethan FurmanHaverfordYale A13610
Ricky ChenPrinceton BColumbia A1360
Simon EmmanuelRutgers BVassar1360