The Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis suppressed a neighboring government named for this word, leading to the Ominous Decade between 1823 and 1833. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this word, the namesake of three years of Ferdinand VII’s rule started by Rafael del Riego’s uprising. Charles Napier intervened on behalf of a party with this name against Miguel I of Portugal at Cape St. Vincent.
ANSWER: Liberal [accept el Trieno Liberal; accept Liberal Government; accept Liberal Party; accept Liberal Wars]
[10e] The suppression of liberal movements across Europe affirmed the conservative goals set by Metternich at this 1815 event. The Concert of Europe doctrine was first promulgated at this meeting set after Napoleon’s exile to Elba.
ANSWER: Congress of Vienna [prompt on Congress or Congress System]
[10m] This Legitimist group continued to support absolutism in the Bourbon line after the death of Ferdinand VII, which led to a series of namesake wars against the Liberal faction that backed the infant Isabella II.
ANSWER: Carlists [or Carlistas; or Carlism; accept Carlist Wars; accept supporters of Infante Carlos V or Carlos de Bourbon; prompt on conservatives; or royalists]
<European History>
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