
A series of Easter riots during this policy’s “crisis” began after Joseph Mercier was arrested in a bowling alley and taken to the St. Roch District police station. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this policy enacted by Robert Borden, whose Unionist faction won a “khaki” election due to two new laws passed supporting it. The Laurier (“lorry-YAY”) Liberals opposed this policy despite an earlier success at Vimy Ridge.
ANSWER: conscription [or the draft; or mandatory military service; or forced enlistment; accept Military Service Act; accept Wartime Elections Act; prompt on enlistment; prompt on joining the army]
[10e] The conscription crisis of 1917 arose during this war, in which the Canadian Corps helped turn the tide at Passchendaele (“PAH-sun-DALL-uh”). Canadian troops spearheaded this war’s Hundred Days Offensive, which broke the Hindenburg Line.
ANSWER: World War I [or First World War or the Great War; accept the Western Front]
[10h] A politician with this last name led Quebec’s anti-conscription movement and earlier founded the Ligue nationaliste. An unrelated Premier of Quebec with this last name requested that Pierre Trudeau invoke the War Measures Act during the October Crisis.
ANSWER: Bourassa [accept Henri Bourassa or Robert Bourassa]
<Other History>

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