
This composer’s prolific output includes 12 trio sonatas in each of his first four opuses. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this composer whose many concerti grossi include one that Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni commissioned for Christmas Eve, which ends with a shepherd’s Pastorale ad libitum.
ANSWER: Arcangelo Corelli
[10h] Two answers required. Corelli wrote equal numbers of trio sonatas in each of these two subgenres, one of which features a slow–fast–slow–fast structure, and the other of which is structured similarly to a dance suite. These are also the two subgenres of Baroque concerti grossi.
ANSWER: sonata da chiesa (“kee-EZZ-ah”) AND sonata da camera [accept in either order; accept church in place of “da chiesa”; accept chamber in place of “da camera”]
[10e] Occasionally, Baroque trio sonatas were written so that they could be played exclusively on this large keyboard instrument. Stops are used to control airflow through this large church instrument.
ANSWER: pipe organ
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