
Description acceptable. A photograph depicts a soldier performing this action while standing on a rooftop in the foreground of St. Paul’s Cathedral. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this action, data from which was analyzed by Post Instruments and fed to plotters in Centre “Ops Rooms.” A namesake Royal Corps that performed this action formed the second component of the Dowding System.
ANSWER: plane spotting [or spotting aircraft or aircraft spotters; accept looking at aircraft; accept observing aircraft or aircraft observation or aircraft observers; accept Royal Observers Corps or ROC; accept fighters or bombers in place of “aircraft”; accept specific aircraft such as Heinkels, Dorniers, Junkers, or Messerschmitts; prompt on aircraft detection or aircraft tracking or aircraft reporting by asking “with what method?”; prompt on civilian volunteering or civilian defense; reject “radio operation” or “radio operators”]
[10e] This technology underpinned Dowding’s first line of early warning defense against the Luftwaffe. The need to develop the Chain Home system of this technology was agreed upon in the Tizard Committee of 1934.
ANSWER: radar [or radio detection and ranging; or radiolocation; accept radar stations or radar antennae; prompt on radio; prompt on antennae]
[10m] Radio techniques such as sonar and “huff-duff” were employed to protect this system of merchant shipping across the Atlantic. The Black May of 1943 saw the loss of over 40 U-boats while trying to disrupt this system.
ANSWER: Atlantic convoy system [or Allied convoy system; prompt on merchant fleets or merchant groups]
<Other History>

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Yale BBard A010010
Columbia BNYU B10101030
Cornell CPenn B010010
Columbia APrinceton B0101020
NYU ARowan A010010
Rutgers AColumbia C1010020
VassarRutgers B010010
Yale AHaverford0101020
Penn AYale C010010