
This author wrote about children decorating colored lanterns in “The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author who wrote about the narrator mistaking a drumming child to be older in “The Dancing Girl of Izu” and called his shorter works Palm-of-the-Hand stories.
ANSWER: Yasunari Kawabata [or Kawabata Yasunari]
[10e] Kawabata used this language to write his Palm-of-the Hand stories and his novels The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa and Snow Country.
ANSWER: Japanese [or Nihongo]
[10h] In a Kawabata story titled for this word, a writer visits his mentor after he suffers a debilitating stroke and realizes “No word can say as much as [this word].” The priest Sebastian Rodrigues is the protagonist of a novel titled for this word by Shūsaku Endō.
ANSWER: Silence [or Chinmoku]
<World Literature>

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