
In this novel, stopping passersby use their vehicles to illuminate a dance circle during a “festival to nothingness.” This novel’s narrator repeatedly cites water wheels being replaced by pumps as a sign of his hometown’s modernization. A stranger in this novel pleads for his sons to be spared “the pangs of wanderlust” in a letter making the narrator their guardian. A man in this novel is asked to “forget your intellect” by Mrs. Robinson, who attends his murder trial at the Old Bailey. After drinking with the narrator and Mahjoub, a man in this novel begins to recite poetry with an “impeccable” English accent. Hosna’s murder of the womanizer Wad Rayyes in this novel resembles the earlier stabbing of Jean Morris in bed. (10[1])This novel ends with the narrator crying for help while floating in the Nile. For 10 points, what “reverse colonization” novel about Mustafa Sa’eed was written by Tayeb Salih? ■END■

ANSWER: Season of Migration to the North [or Mawsim al-Hijrah ilā al-Shamāl]
<World Literature>
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