
This person supposedly created a prayer named for “joy after sadness” that ends in repeated pleas to them to “Help,” “Reach me,” and “Hasten.” This person inspires the feeling of intizar. A massacre of pilgrims designed to attract this person only ended up attracting a boy from Isfahan who turned out to be a book-burning Zoroastrian. Four deputies facilitated this person’s minor ghaybah, a doctrine that has been defended by analogy to the long-lived Khidr. In some traditions, this person avenges Ḥusayn and the other Muslims slain at Karbala on Āshūrāʾ. The word kafir will be visible on the forehead of a being defeated by either ‘Isa, this person, or both, and this person will then establish one last rightly guided (10[1])caliphate before the Day of Judgment. For 10 points, name this slayer of the Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl whom Twelver Shias consider the twelfth imam. ■END■

ANSWER: the Mahdī [accept Muhammad al-Mahdī; prompt on the Hidden Imam by asking “according to Twelver Shias, he will also fulfill the role of what other figure?”; prompt on the Twelfth imam until “Twelver” is read by asking “according to Twelver Shias, he will also fulfill the role of what other figure?”; prompt on the Messiah; reject “‘Isa” or “Jesus”]
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1100%0%0%120.00