
During this decade, the captain of an oil tanker named after a former Miss World winner anchored in the middle of a busy shipping lane to support striking workers and businessman Guaicaipuro Lameda Montero. During this decade, the principles of sumak kawsay were enshrined into the first constitution to codify rights of nature. Starting during this decade, loaned Cuban medical staff operated healthcare centers as part of the Barrio Adentro mission. At the start of this decade, the hyperinflated sucre was replaced by the U.S. dollar as legal tender in Ecuador. The Bolivarian Missions were conceived (10[1])during this decade by a leader who, a decade before, quipped that his coup had failed “for now.” Left-wing leaders like Rafael Correa took office during this decade as part of a “pink tide” across South America. For 10 points, name this decade entirely spanned by the Venezuelan presidency of Hugo Chávez. ■END■

ANSWER: 2000s [prompt on ‘00s or aughts or noughties] (Captain Daniel Alfaro anchored the Pilín León at the entrance to Lake Maracaibo. Lameda Montero was ousted as head of Petróleos de Venezuela.)
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