
By heating with microwaves that are in resonance with this phenomenon, large ions like Ar8+ (“A-R-eight-plus”) were produced by SUPERMAFIOS, which legendarily caused a blackout in Grenoble. Adequate vertical focusing of this phenomenon can be achieved by using spiral magnet sectors with gaps between them to generate azimuthally varying fields. Particle motion is decomposed into this phenomenon and drift in the guiding center approximation. (10[1])A superposition of this phenomenon, motion in the same plane, and an axial motion describe particles in a Penning trap. By the Larmor formula, the power radiated by this phenomenon is proportional to “the fourth power of charge, times velocity squared, times B-field squared, all over mass squared.” Two D-shaped electrodes are used to accelerate particles using this phenomenon. For 10 points, “q B over m” is the frequency of what circular motion of charged particles? ■END■

ANSWER: cyclotron motion [accept cyclotron radiation; accept isochronous cyclotrons; accept electron cyclotron resonance or ion cyclotron resonance; until “circular motion” is read, prompt on descriptions of a charged particle circling magnetic field lines or orbiting magnetic field lines; reject “synchrocyclotrons” or “synchrotron radiation”]
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1100%0%0%62.00