
Zeba (“ZEE-buh”) spin columns remove these compounds from mixtures. These compounds are added stepwise over a full day to conjugate thio·lated DNA onto gold nanoparticles. Either polymers or these compounds are exhaustively titrated as the precipitants for protein crystal trays. A 70-percent ethanol solution washes these compounds off the pellet during the second spin of a DNA precipitation. The concentration of these compounds is slowly ramped up in the mobile phase to release proteins from resins in I·E·C. Kosmotropic examples of these compounds precipitate proteins in a technique colloquially named for them and the word “out.” (10[1])These compounds name a tertiary protein structure motif that bridges amino acids bearing positive and negative charges. For 10 points, name these compounds added to buffers to make them iso·tonic to the cytosol, examples of which include ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride. ■END■

ANSWER: salts [or ionic compounds; or ions; accept cations or anions; accept salt bridges; accept salting out; prompt on solutes] (IEC is ion exchange chromatography.)
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