In a play by this author, a son and his two slaves try to prevent his father from going to court by covering his home with a large net. In one of this author’s plays, a character trades clothes with his servant to avoid the wrath of Aeacus (“eye-AH-kuss”) before exchanging clothes again at a party with servant girls. At the end of one of this author’s plays, Pisthetaerus obtains the scepter of Zeus and marries Sovereignty after constructing “Cloud Cuckoo Land.” The title animals of a play by this author repeat the phrase "brekekekex-koax-koax.” For 10 points, name this ancient Greek playwright of comedies such as The Birds and The Frogs. ■END■
ANSWER: Aristophanes
<Literature - European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Ivy Chen (DII) | Princeton | Columbia A | 80 | 10 |
Saif Virani (UG) | Fordham | Maryland | 80 | 10 |
Kaiden Carey (DII) | Penn | Columbia B | 80 | 10 |
Will Hollister (DII) | Lehigh | Rowan | 103 | 10 |