
This philosopher’s use of a word that can mean “remedy” or “poison” is analyzed by Jacques Derrida in an essay titled for this thinker’s “Pharmacy.” Ammonius Sacchus taught a founder of a philosophical school named for this thinker, who collected 54 treatises into the Enneads. Porphyry and Plotinus were members of a philosophical (10[1])school named for this thinker that identified the absolute, transcendent One with this philosopher’s Form of the Good. A work (10[1])by this author contains an allegory about a group of people who are only able to see (10[1])the (10[1])shadows (10[1])on the wall of a cave. (10[1])For 10 points, name this student of Socrates whose dialogues included the Republic. ■END■

ANSWER: Plato [or Platon; accept Neoplatonism or “Plato’s Pharmacy”; accept Socrates before “Pharmacy” is mentioned]
<Philosophy - Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Geoffrey Wu (UG)Columbia AMaryland5210
Andrew Yang (UG)Columbia BPrinceton7210
Kaiden Carey (DII)PennSwarthmore B8910
Keegan Martin (UG)NYU ANYU C9010
Waldo Dang (DII)LehighRutgers9110
Ashish KumbhardareRowanUniversity of Delaware B9710


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y6100%0%0%81.83