
Hyperides (“hi-PER-id-eez”) allegedly used a highly unusual tactic to defend a member of this occupation named Phryne (“FRIN-ee”). For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this occupation referred to by the term hetaira. Strabo wrote of a temple in Corinth that employed over a thousand people in a sacred form of this profession.
ANSWER: sex work [accept courtesans; accept prostitutes or prostitution, but tell players that these are widely considered a slur]
[10m] According to the comic literary tradition, Aspasia started her career as a hetaira before forming a relationship with this man. Thucydides (“thoo-SI-di-deez”) recounted a funeral oration given by this man.
ANSWER: Pericles (“PAIR-ik-leez”)
[10e] Plutarch claims that Lycurgus’ strict moral regime outlawed sex work in this city-state. The agoge brutally trained young boys in this heavily-militaristic city-state.
ANSWER: Sparta [or Lakedaimon]
<History - Other History>

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Swarthmore AColumbia A0101020
Swarthmore BFordham010010
LehighUniversity of Delaware B0101020
NYU AUniversity of Delaware A1001020
NYU CNYU B001010