
An Adam Hochschild book titled for the “ghost” of a King of this country recounts atrocities committed to enforce rubber quotas. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this country whose King Leopold II cited a “colonial trinity” of state, church, and business to justify its presence in the Congo.
ANSWER: Belgium [or Kingdom of Belgium; accept Belgian Congo]
[10h] After World War I, Belgium adopted this style of rule over Rwanda and Burundi through a League of Nations Mandate. In this style of rule common in British West Africa, natives ran most of the government with colonizers holding the top positions.
ANSWER: indirect rule
[10m] Belgium’s indirect rule in Rwanda enforced a hierarchical government dominated by this ethnic group, which was the main target of Hutu forces during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
ANSWER: Tutsi [or Watusi; or Watutsi; or Abatutsi]
<History - World History>

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