
This author described a road “haunted by ill angels only” in “Dream-Land,” which is one of two poems by him to reference El Dorado. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this author who wrote of envious angels “chilling and killing” the title maiden in his poem “Annabel Lee.” This poet also wrote “The Raven.”
ANSWER: Edgar Allen Poe
[10m] In “The Raven,” the “foot-falls” of angels “on the tufted floor” precedes the narrator’s pleas to respite and forget this woman whom he mourns.
ANSWER: Lenore
[10h] In another Poe poem, a person with this name is likened to a Naiad ("NYE-ad") who evokes “the glory that was Greece” and “the grandeur that was Rome.” A book-length poem by H.D. is titled for a person with this name “in Egypt.”
ANSWER: Helen [accept “To Helen” or Helen in Egypt]
<Literature - American Literature>

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