
The protagonist of a series by this author acquires “some landscapes by Hunt, Sully, and Hart” to begin his massive art collection after his marriage to Lillian Semple. A novel by this author ends with a “souvenir” that echoes its opening chapter by following a family of street preachers at dusk on a summer night. (10[1])The railcar tycoon Charles Yerkes (-5[2])was fictionalized (10[1])as Frank Cowperwood (10[3])(“cooper-wood”) in this author’s (10[2])Trilogy (10[1])of (10[1])Desire. (10[4])In (10[1])a novel by this author, (10[1])a hit-and-run by the bellhop Sparser (10[1])forces the protagonist to flee from Kansas (10[1])City (10[1])to Chicago, (10[2])then Lycurgus, (10[1])New York. (10[4]-5[1])The murder (10[1])of Grace Brown inspired (10[1])a novel by this author in which Roberta Alden is hit (10[1])with a (10[1])camera (10[1])and drowns in a lake, (10[1])leading to (10[1])the execution of Clyde Griffiths. (10[4])For 10 points, (10[1])name this author of An American (-5[1])Tragedy. (10[1])■END■ (10[16]0[9])

ANSWER: Theodore Dreiser [or Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser]
<Indiana A, American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%107.00
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y580%0%0%90.50
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%73.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y786%0%14%109.33
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y250%0%0%128.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Morgan BozemanMinnesota BWisconsin A5410
Charles HangWashU AChicago A59-5
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeRutgers A59-5
Tiffany ZhouFlorida AUCF C6110
Rohan Navaneetha RajOhio State BMichigan B6410
Michael KearneyHarvard ABrown A6410
Kevin WangGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech D6410
Chris YooWilliam & MaryLiberty A6710
Richard NiuCornell BMaryland A6710
Ryan SunUC Berkeley BClaremont A6810
Shardul ParthasarathyIllinois BMissouri6910
Yashwanth BajjiMichigan ACase Western B7010
Michael HundingIllinois AChicago B7010
Alvin GuoChicago DChicago C7010
Bryce CruiseTexas ATexas B7010
Nick SmemoeUNC DSouth Carolina7110
Bryan UgazASUTAMU7610
William OrrYale ANYU A8210
Arya KarthikOxford AImperial B8910
Neal JoshiWashU BIndiana B9010
Nathaniel HullUC Berkeley AUCSD9210
Roxanne TangOhio State AKenyon9210
Stan MelkumianPurdueStanford B9410
Noah ChinVirginia Tech ALiberty C9610
Guy IndoranteIowa StateWisconsin B9610
Stephen HeritageNotre Dame ANorthwestern B96-5
Albert NyangLSEBristol9610
Seraphina Charlotte FooCambridge ADurham9610
William GrogerColumbia BJohns Hopkins A9810
Rachel EzrielevGeorgetown AGeorgetown B10210
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech A11310
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AIowa11510
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU CCambridge C11610
Yrwin BatanMIT ABU12110
Henry BonWinona StateCarleton12310
Clete ReinbergerValencia AFlorida State A12810
Joseph ChambersVirginia ALiberty B12810
Kai MadgwickManchesterCambridge E12810
Cade ReinbergerRIT ABinghamton A12810
Chauncey LoColumbia CMaryland B13110
Shiv SeshanCambridge BSheffield137-5
Carter PisockyMichigan CMichigan State13810
Ivan KarpUCLAClaremont B13910
Anna BarkerUCF BFlorida B13910
Daniel HuangMichigan DCarnegie Mellon A13910
Sai SubramanianCase Western ACarnegie Mellon B13910
Catherine MajorWake ForestUNC C1390
Ned TagtmeierChicago AWashU A13910
Jacob HarlMissoui S&TIllinois C1390
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CMissoui S&T13910
Kayla DrajpuchBrandeis AUMass Boston13910
William ParocaiDartmouth ABrandeis B13910
Max NealHarvard BTufts A13910
Stephen WalshNorthwestern BNotre Dame A13910
Patrick BoyleNotre Dame CNotre Dame B13910
Noah McRedmondNotre Dame BNotre Dame C1390
Yuxuan LuVanderbilt ATennessee A1390
Parker McCoigTennessee AVanderbilt A1390
Michael WuSouthampton BImperial A13910
Percy YuenCambridge DSouthampton A13910
Elliot CosnettOxford BWarwick A13910
Eva Lettiere-RobertsGeorge Washington AGeorge Washington B1390
Aum MundheRutgers AJohn Jay College13910
Ivvone ZhouPenn AVassar A13910
Taaj RaiGeorge Washington BGeorge Washington A1390
Pranaav SenthilkumarCornell DRIT B1390
Danny CutbillRIT BCornell D1390