
Description acceptable. The sage Bhringi performs this action to avoid Parvati while circumambulating around Shiva, causing him to be cursed with weakness until Shiva gives him a third leg. During the Kurukshetra War, Krishna performs this action to provide Arjuna’s son Aravan with the last of three promised boons. Bhishma laid (10[1])down his weapons because he refused to fight a warrior (10[1])who underwent this action (10[4]-5[1])named (10[2])Shikhandi. (10[5])While stealing (-5[1])the elixir (10[1])of life from the (10[1])asuras, Vishnu performs this action to become the avatar Mohini. (10[4]-5[1])In Greek myth, (10[1])one instance (-5[1])of this action (10[1]-5[1])occurs (10[1])when a pair of copulating snakes is interrupted (10[1]-5[1])by a (10[1])blind (10[1])prophet. (10[6])For 10 (-5[1])points, name (10[1])this (10[1])transformation (10[2])undergone (10[2])by Tiresias, (10[2]-5[2])as well as a (10[1])son (10[1])of (10[1])Hermes (-5[1])and Aphrodite (10[1])named (10[2]-5[1])Hermaphroditus. ■END■ (10[11]0[2])

ANSWER: sex change [or gender transition; accept becoming female or becoming male; accept not conforming to gender roles or being intersex or otherwise existing outside the gender binary; prompt on turning into an animal until “Krishna” is read by asking “what other physical change was made?”; prompt on reincarnation by asking “what physical change accompanied that action?”]
<Brandeis A, Mythology>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y5100%0%20%99.00
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%33%118.17
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%122.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%77.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y8100%0%25%96.88
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y367%0%0%82.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Keerthana KrishnanTexas BASU5010
Pranaav SenthilkumarCornell DESF A6010
Ruchir KodihalliCase Western BCase Western A64-5
Sanika IyerIndiana BIllinois B6410
Samir SarmaGeorgia Tech DTennessee A6410
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AGeorge Washington B6410
Vikshar AthreyaRutgers AJohns Hopkins A6410
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AClaremont B6510
Ved MuthusamyNorthwestern BPurdue6510
Yashwanth BajjiMichigan AMichigan State6610
Andrew WangIllinois AIndiana A6610
Matt SchiavoneNorthwestern AGeorgetown B6610
Michał GerasimiukStanford BGeorgetown A6610
Yuxuan LuVanderbilt ALouisville A6610
Ezra SantosChicago BChicago A68-5
Vinayak Singh BhadoriyaNYU BGeorge Washington A7010
Arya KarthikOxford AWarwick B7410
Aditya PatnaikOhio State BKenyon8410
Annabelle YangWashU AIllinois C8410
Conor ThompsonIowa StateWinona State8410
Agnijo BanerjeeCambridge AOxford B8410
Rosa XiaCornell BColumbia C84-5
Jack LewisBruin AGeorgia Tech B8710
Kaiden CareyPenn BMaryland B89-5
Samarth RamChicago CMissouri9210
Yaj JhajhriaUW BUBC92-5
Foster HughesMinnesota BWisconsin B9310
Ivan StanisavljevicDukeWilliam & Mary101-5
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CAlabama A10110
Adsayan GaneshWarwick AManchester10310
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeNYU A10410
Kaiser XiaoUCLAClaremont A10510
Xavier MigliaccioCarnegie Mellon AOhio State A10510
Thomas GlotfeltyVirginia Tech ASouth Carolina10510
Adam FineChicago AChicago B10510
Athena ShaddenTexas ATAMU10510
Alec RisoCornell CRIT A10510
Rafael CastroImperial BLSE107-5
Andrew FisherSheffieldBristol10910
Anuttam RamjiUC Berkeley BUCSD11010
Louis CameronCambridge ECambridge C11110
Jem BurchYale AVassar A11110
Soren HeydariUNC BLiberty A11210
William GrogerColumbia BHaverford B11210
Jack LengaCarnegie Mellon BMichigan D11410
Nick SmemoeUNC DLiberty C11410
Max HodesChicago DMissouri S&T114-5
Michael WuSouthampton BNYU C114-5
Anne FjeldAlbertaUW A11810
Andy HuffLSEImperial B11910
Noah McRedmondNotre Dame BIowa12010
Joseph ChambersVirginia AWake Forest121-5
Rahim DinaImperial ADurham12310
Jacob HarlMissouri S&TChicago D12410
Matthew AmanteNotre Dame CNotre Dame A124-5
Daniel KimMaryland BPenn B12410
Sai SubramanianCase Western ACase Western B12610
Michael EngUNC CLiberty B12610
Chris YooWilliam & MaryDuke12610
Sachin PoobalasinghamWake ForestVirginia A12610
Nithin MenduWisconsin ACarleton12610
Maya KvaratskheliaNotre Dame ANotre Dame C12610
Matthew WangUBCUW B12610
Shiv SeshanCambridge BCambridge D12610
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU CSouthampton B12610
Christian SherringtonSouthampton AOxford C12610
Elijah ScheinsonColumbia CCornell B12610
Danny CutbillRIT BBinghamton A1260
Giuseppe PiccirilliBinghamton ARIT B1260