Description acceptable. Members of the genus Roridula exhibit a borderline form of this process that involves symbiosis with species of assassin bugs. This process was first detailed in an 1875 book by Charles Darwin describing years of experiments studying activity in the Drosera genus. Organisms in the genuses Utricularia and Dionaea have evolved a thigmonastic response to aid this process. The cost–benefit model posits that modifications for this process explain why it is only observed in sunny, moist, and nutrient poor areas. A method for performing this process used by Nepenthes jamban involves a combination of sticky mucilage and a pool of enzymes. “Lobster-pot” and “pitfall” traps are used by some species exhibiting this behavior. For 10 points, name this method of deriving nutrients used by the Venus flytrap. ■END■
California | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 86.33 |
Florida | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 67% | 0% | 0% | 111.00 |
Great Lakes | 2025-02-01 | Y | 6 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 96.67 |
North | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 100% | 0% | 33% | 96.00 |
Overflow | 2025-02-01 | Y | 5 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 93.40 |
Pacific Northwest | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 112.00 |
South Central | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 105.00 |
Southeast | 2025-02-01 | Y | 4 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 110.75 |
UK | 2025-02-01 | Y | 10 | 90% | 0% | 0% | 98.44 |
Upper Mid-Atlantic | 2025-02-01 | Y | 8 | 88% | 0% | 0% | 99.86 |
Upstate NY | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 105.00 |
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Agnijo Banerjee | Cambridge A | Warwick A | 50 | 10 |
Sinecio Morales | Johns Hopkins A | Cornell B | 59 | 10 |
Drew Wetterlind | Iowa State | Wisconsin A | 62 | 10 |
Matt Schiavone | Northwestern A | Stanford B | 79 | 10 |
Anuttam Ramji | UC Berkeley B | UCLA | 81 | 10 |
Scarlet Rutter | Claremont B | UCSD | 81 | 10 |
Jack Lenga | Carnegie Mellon B | Ohio State A | 81 | 10 |
John Luke Broussard | TAMU | Texas A | 81 | 10 |
William Groger | Columbia B | Penn A | 82 | 10 |
Andrew Harms | Michigan State | Case Western B | 83 | 10 |
Stan Melkumian | Purdue | Georgetown A | 83 | 10 |
Noah Dean | Kenyon | Michigan C | 89 | 10 |
Stevie Miller | Carnegie Mellon A | Ohio State B | 89 | 10 |
Stephen Walsh | Northwestern B | Georgetown B | 89 | 10 |
Gregory Stone | ESF A | RIT A | 89 | 10 |
Jacob Price | Sheffield | Cambridge D | 91 | 10 |
Ian McDowell | Cambridge C | Imperial A | 91 | 10 |
Ian Lu | Georgia Tech C | Bruin A | 94 | 10 |
Swapnil Garg | UC Berkeley A | Claremont A | 97 | 10 |
Qingyu Zhang | Florida B | Florida A | 97 | 10 |
Puna Ekka | Minnesota B | Carleton | 97 | 10 |
Alex Smits | Wisconsin B | Winona State | 97 | -5 |
Monish Jampala | Georgia Tech D | Alabama A | 97 | 10 |
Leonard Castine | Penn B | John Jay College | 97 | 10 |
Pranaav Senthilkumar | Cornell D | Binghamton A | 97 | 10 |
Elliot Cosnett | Oxford B | Cambridge E | 98 | 10 |
Max Kolda | Notre Dame B | Notre Dame A | 102 | 10 |
Hamish Campbell | Durham | Southampton B | 102 | 10 |
Andy Yu | Maryland A | NYU A | 102 | 10 |
Derek Chen | Columbia C | NYU B | 102 | 10 |
Joseph Collins | Imperial B | Southampton A | 103 | 10 |
Jonathan Ho | Alberta | UW B | 107 | 10 |
Todd Maslyk | Michigan A | Michigan B | 111 | 10 |
Will Sanders | Notre Dame C | Iowa | 114 | 10 |
Delia Cropper | Oxford A | Oxford C | 114 | 10 |
Ben LaFond | Cambridge B | LSE | 114 | 10 |
Matthew Wang | UBC | UW A | 117 | 10 |
Michael Zhou | Georgia Tech A | Georgia Tech B | 123 | 10 |
Kevin Flanagan | Bristol | Warwick B | 123 | 10 |
Clete Reinberger | Valencia A | UCF B | 125 | 10 |
Enina Edosomwan | Case Western A | Michigan D | 127 | 10 |
Aum Mundhe | Rutgers A | Vassar A | 128 | 10 |
Juan Landaeta | Florida State A | UCF C | 129 | 0 |
Henry Bon | Winona State | Wisconsin B | 129 | 10 |
Bryan Ugaz | ASU | Texas B | 129 | 10 |
Beckett Gilmore | Louisville A | Tennessee A | 129 | 10 |
Parker McCoig | Tennessee A | Louisville A | 129 | 0 |
Nathan Easow | Manchester | NYU C | 129 | 0 |
Jacob Hardin-Bernhardt | NYU C | Manchester | 129 | 0 |
Kaiben Bennett | Haverford B | Maryland B | 129 | 0 |
Gus Vanskike | Maryland B | Haverford B | 129 | 0 |
Avery Barnett | Haverford A | George Washington A | 129 | 10 |
Alec Riso | Cornell C | RIT B | 129 | 10 |