
A complex in this organelle interacts with the protein frataxin as part of the activity of PMPCA and PMPCB. (10[1])If this organelle’s functionality is degraded, its repair is controlled by PINK1 and Parkin. (10[3])Hexokinase may regulate the formation of a complex in this organelle made of VDAC and ANT proteins. This organelle releases the Smac/DIABLO complex to bind to IAP (10[2])and inhibit its function. (10[1])The TIM (10[1])and TOM (10[1])complexes (10[7])transport proteins in and out of this (10[1]-5[1])organelle. (-5[2])One process in this organelle uses (-5[1])the iron-sulfur enzyme aconitase (10[1])to isomerize one molecule. (-5[1])The products of that process in this organelle include NADH and (10[1])FADH2, (10[6]-5[1])which are used to (10[1])generate a proton (10[1])gradient. (10[3])For 10 points, (10[1])name this double-membraned (10[1])organelle that contains the electron transport (10[1])chain. ■END■ (10[6]0[1])

ANSWER: mitochondria [or mitochondrion]
<Ohio State B, Biology>
= Average correct buzz position


Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%50%108.33
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%95.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y8100%0%13%91.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew WangIllinois AIllinois B1810
Annabelle YangWashU AMissouri3210
Oscar DespardCambridge ALSE3210
Noah ChenColumbia BMaryland B3210
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AIowa5910
Stan MelkumianPurdueStanford B5910
Richard NiuCornell BYale A6310
Mason YuBrown ABrandeis B6510
Russell NipUBCUW B6710
Vedang SinghalUNC CLiberty A6810
June YinWashU BChicago B6810
Adam FineChicago AIndiana A6810
Arjun NageswaranHarvard AMIT A6810
Arya KarthikOxford AImperial A6810
Roselyn DaffinSouthampton AOxford B6810
Sinecio MoralesJohns Hopkins AHaverford A6810
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CChicago D75-5
Alex BakerCambridge CSheffield7510
Ethan RehderDukeLiberty C76-5
Eric ChangVirginia Tech AWake Forest76-5
Braeden LaRocheSouth CarolinaWilliam & Mary82-5
Lewis StrachanCambridge EWarwick B8610
Andy YuMaryland APenn A90-5
Jacob FinleyNotre Dame ANorthwestern B10110
Jeffrey AustinUNC DLiberty B10210
Trenton BurgessIndiana BMissoui S&T10210
Max NealHarvard BTufts A10210
Jonah HubertNotre Dame BGeorgetown B10210
Anya SrinivasanUW AAlberta102-5
Joseph CollinsImperial BNYU C10210
Sam MacchiVassar ANYU B10210
Joel DickerSouthampton BBristol10610
Vikshar AthreyaRutgers AColumbia C10910
Rasheeq AzadUNC BVirginia A11010
Sam HuttonCambridge DWarwick A11010
Leonard CastinePenn BNYU A11010
Hamish CampbellDurhamOxford C11310
Nathan EasowManchesterCambridge B11610
Alexandra KnightLiberty CDuke12210
Sachin PoobalasinghamWake ForestVirginia Tech A12410
Samuel LiWilliam & MarySouth Carolina12410
Benny FeldmanChicago DIllinois C12410
Eren MicheletBUUMass Boston1240
Bennett GrapponeAlbertaUW A12410
Ivvone ZhouPenn AMaryland A12410
Samuel KassoverGeorge Washington BHaverford B12410