
A 1637 work lists two ways of identifying these objects based on their “organs,” sometimes called the “language test” and “action test.” One of these objects partly titles a materialist 1747 treatise that denies the existence (10[1])of the soul, which forced its author Julien de La Mettrie to flee (10[2])France. (-5[1])A philosopher who supposedly made one of these objects that was thrown (10[1])off a ship presented a view named for a “beast” one of them in his (-5[1])Treatise on Man. One of these tangible objects appears in a (-5[1])1949 metaphor that critiques the (-5[1])“category mistake” of comparing the mind (10[1])and body. (10[5]-5[3])In that image from (-5[1])The Concept of Mind, (10[1])Gilbert Ryle (-5[1])likened Cartesian (10[1])dualism (10[1])to a (10[1])“ghost (10[1])in” (10[2]-5[1])one (10[3])of these objects. (10[7]-5[1])For (10[1])10 points, what sort of object (-5[1])is assessed for the ability to think in the “imitation game,” or Turing test? (10[2])■END■ (10[10]0[1])

ANSWER: machines [accept automaton or automata; accept computers or robots; accept ghost in the machine; prompt on dolls or baby or babies] (The first sentence is from Descartes’s Discourse on Method.)
<TM, Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%17%116.50
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y683%0%33%133.00
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%110.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arya KarthikOxford ACambridge A3510
Danila KabotyanskiIndiana AChicago D4810
Eliza DeanOxford BImperial B4810
Andrew WangIllinois AIndiana B49-5
Nathaniel HullUC Berkeley AUC Berkeley B6110
Jaz the MononymousSouthampton BCambridge D76-5
Liam StarnesChicago BMissouri87-5
Andrew ZengStanford BIowa92-5
Aryan DesarapuMichigan AOhio State A9810
Kevin ZhengMichigan BCarnegie Mellon A10010
Noah ChinVirginia Tech AWilliam & Mary100-5
Rasheeq AzadUNC BWake Forest100-5
Stan MelkumianPurdueNotre Dame B10010
Jacob PuthipirojNorthwestern BGeorgetown A10010
Liam MarklandAlbertaUBC10010
Jack LewisBruin AGeorgia Tech C10010
Kai MadgwickManchesterSheffield100-5
Arjun KalaIllinois BWashU A104-5
Christopher SimsNorthwestern ANotre Dame A10810
Yaj JhajhriaUW BUW A110-5
Kevin ParkClaremont AClaremont B11210
Kaiser XiaoUCLAUCSD11310
Joseph ChambersVirginia ALiberty A11510
Neal JoshiWashU BIllinois C11610
Elie AounCase Western AKenyon11710
Ruth Ní MhuircheartaighCambridge EOxford C117-5
Andy HuffLSEImperial A11710
Ezra SantosChicago BMissouri11810
Jacob HarlMissoui S&TChicago C11810
Hamish CampbellDurhamWarwick B11810
Carter PisockyMichigan COhio State B12110
Andrew HarmsMichigan StateCarnegie Mellon B12110
Ivan StanisavljevicDukeSouth Carolina12110
Truman FillbrandtUW AUW B12110
Arhith DharanendraGeorgia Tech ALouisville A12110
Yuxuan LuVanderbilt AAlabama A121-5
Ian McDowellCambridge CCambridge B12110
Kevin FlanaganBristolWarwick A12110
Cormac StephensonSouthampton ANYU C12210
Peter BallasMichigan DCase Western B128-5
Angelo PanCase Western BMichigan D14210
Britton WebsterAlabama AVanderbilt A14210
Miller DoerrLiberty BLiberty C14310
Adam PascoeWake ForestUNC B1430
Vedang SinghalUNC CUNC D14310
Chris YooWilliam & MaryVirginia Tech A14310
Sophie LymanWashU AIllinois B14310
Trenton BurgessIndiana BIllinois A14310
Will SandersNotre Dame CGeorgetown B14310
Brielle RachIowaStanford B14310
Linus LuuCambridge DSouthampton B14310
Benjamin LiuOxford CCambridge E14310
Freddy PottsSheffieldManchester14310