
Members of an expedition from this modern-day country [emphasize] in another country were ambushed at Lafoole, initiating a campaign against this country primarily led by the Bimaal clan, the Banadir (10[1])resistance. This country (-5[1])recruited Dubat soldiers to manage their occupation of the Majeerteen and Hobyo (10[1]-5[1])Sultanates. This (-5[1])country’s defeat (10[1])of (10[1])Bahta (-5[1])Hagos’s revolt and victory at the Battle of Coatit began a war that this country lost due to (10[1])guns (10[1])provided by Nikolai Leontiev and the Russian (10[5]-5[2])Empire. A misinterpretation led this (10[1])country to attempt a failed (-5[1])invasion of its fellow signatory of the Treaty of (10[1])Wuchale (10[2])(“wuh-CHAH-lay”). This (10[1])country recruited Eritrean ascari troops to fight in (10[1])a (10[2])battle in which they were defeated by (10[1])Menelik (10[2])II. (10[1])For 10 (10[1])points, (10[1])name (10[1]-5[1])this (10[1])European (10[1])colonial power repulsed (10[1])at the Battle of (10[2])Adwa (10[1])by the (10[1])Ethiopian Empire. (10[8])■END■

ANSWER: Italy [or Italia; or Kingdom of Italy; or Regno d’Italia; accept First Italo-Ethiopian War after “Ethiopian” is read]
<AK, World History>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%17%105.83
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%17%106.50
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%74.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Cole HartungGeorgetown ANorthwestern B2910
Jakob MyersIndiana AChicago D32-5
Nathan EasowManchesterSheffield44-5
Lucas JohnsWarwick ABristol4410
Jaz the MononymousSouthampton BCambridge D46-5
Andrew ZengStanford BIowa4810
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU CSouthampton A4910
Joseph CollinsImperial BOxford B50-5
Truman FillbrandtUW AUW B6810
Prahalad RaoOhio State BMichigan C6910
Nathaniel HullUC Berkeley AUC Berkeley B7610
Enina EdosomwanCase Western AKenyon7610
Noah ChinVirginia Tech AWilliam & Mary7610
Diego AlmarazUNC CUNC D76-5
Gabe DubowskiIllinois BWashU A76-5
Sam McNameeNotre Dame ANorthwestern A7610
Ian LuGeorgia Tech CBruin A7610
Liam MarklandAlbertaUBC8110
Akshar GoyalIllinois AIndiana B86-5
Robert FreemanSouth CarolinaDuke9510
Graham TroyUNC BWake Forest9610
Christian AllenMissoui S&TChicago C9610
Brendan BethlehemCambridge AOxford A9710
Cormac BeirneLSEImperial A10510
Aden SunChicago BMissouri10610
Jonah HubertNotre Dame BPurdue10610
Arvin BoraghiCambridge CCambridge B11310
Simon ZimmermanOhio State AMichigan A11410
Ethan NewmanMichigan StateCarnegie Mellon B11410
Joseph ChambersVirginia ALiberty A11510
Ben HorningGeorgetown BNotre Dame C11710
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CWashU B11810
Terrence HanUCLAUCSD11910
Cole PolleyMichigan DCase Western B119-5
James ZhaoVanderbilt AAlabama A12010
Josh HowarthWarwick BDurham12110
Jonathan BostLiberty BLiberty C12410
Kevin ParkClaremont AClaremont B12810
Michael ZhouGeorgia Tech ALouisville A12810
Adam MonuskoMichigan BCarnegie Mellon A12910
Benny FeldmanChicago DIndiana A13110
Anthony YinCase Western BMichigan D13310
Jeffrey AustinUNC DUNC C13310
Charles HangWashU AIllinois B13310
Nermeen RahmanIndiana BIllinois A13310
Percy YuenCambridge DSouthampton B13310
Jon WhiteCambridge EOxford C13310
Elliot CosnettOxford BImperial B13310
Jacob PriceSheffieldManchester13310