
This thinker’s fear of “material invention” is discussed to open Richard Sennett’s book The Craftsman. This thinker’s focus on political action is critiqued in The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han, whose book written “In Praise of Inactivity” is titled for a concept discussed by this thinker. This thinker analyzed (-5[1])the Sputnik launch in a book that posits (10[1])the victory of animal laborans (10[1])over (10[1])homo faber. (10[5])This (10[1])thinker’s (10[3])last work, (10[1])The Life of the Mind, (10[2])elaborates (10[1])on a contrast between ways of life based (10[1])on labor (10[1])and reflection, (10[1])the vita activa (10[4])and vita (10[1])contemplativa. (10[3])A book by this (10[1])thinker (10[1])examines a man who claimed to follow (10[1])Kant’s (10[1])categorical imperative (10[1])in court testimony. (10[1])For 10 points, (10[1])what author of The Human Condition coined the term “banality of (10[1])evil” (10[4]-5[1])in her (10[2])book (10[2]-5[1])Eichmann (10[2])in Jerusalem? (10[2])■END■ (10[3]0[2])

ANSWER: Hannah Arendt [or Johanna Arendt] (The latter book by Byung-Chul Han is Vita Contemplativa: In Praise of Inactivity.)
<TM, Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%105.67
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y683%0%17%90.60
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%78.50
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%78.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y9100%0%0%95.44
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y367%0%0%119.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jaik HavlickASUTexas B48-5
Chris YooWilliam & MaryUNC B5610
William OrrYale AColumbia B6110
Aum MundheRutgers APenn A6210
Orion KellerVirginia Tech AUNC C6410
Michael HundingIllinois AChicago C6410
Ned TagtmeierChicago AChicago D6410
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AStanford B6410
Karan GurazadaTexas ATAMU6410
Anne FjeldAlbertaUW B6510
Alex JiangBrown ATufts A6610
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CLouisville A6610
Kevin LiuMaryland BVassar A6610
Danila KabotyanskiIndiana AWashU B6810
Todd MaslykMichigan ACarnegie Mellon A7310
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeColumbia C7310
Joseph ChambersVirginia AUNC D7410
Charles HangWashU AIndiana B8210
Jack LewisBruin AAlabama A8410
Kevin ZhengMichigan BMichigan State8610
Elie AounCase Western AOhio State A8910
Arjun NageswaranHarvard ABrandeis B8910
Stan MelkumianPurdueIowa8910
Ryan RosenbergNYU ACornell B8910
Ezra SantosChicago BIllinois B9110
Tiffany ZhouFlorida AValencia A9210
Matthew WangUBCUW A9210
Keerthana KrishnanTexas BASU9210
Arhith DharanendraGeorgia Tech ATennessee A9610
Drew WetterlindIowa StateCarleton9710
Yrwin BatanMIT AUMass Boston10410
Owen ArnesonMissouriIllinois C10510
Cade ReinbergerRIT ACornell D10710
Max KoldaNotre Dame BNotre Dame C11010
Yuxuan LuVanderbilt AGeorgia Tech B11310
Patrick TorreMaryland AJohns Hopkins A12410
Nicholas NguyenFlorida BUCF C12510
Rohan Navaneetha RajOhio State BMichigan D12510
Morgan BozemanMinnesota BWinona State12510
Elliott GomesDartmouth AHarvard B12510
Eren MicheletBUBrandeis A125-5
Jacob PuthipirojNorthwestern BGeorgetown A12710
Hrishit ChaudhuriNYU BGeorge Washington B12710
Jacob EgolDukeLiberty A12810
Lilli McLaughlinWake ForestLiberty C128-5
Nicholas LaneGeorge Washington AHaverford B12810
Carter PisockyMichigan CCarnegie Mellon B12910
Audrey ChoHaverford APenn B12910
Anna BarkerUCF BFlorida State A13110
Robert FreemanSouth CarolinaLiberty B13110
Elias KradelKenyonCase Western B13210
Jonathan SchnipperBrandeis ABU13210
Kevin PengCornell CBinghamton A1320
Giuseppe PiccirilliBinghamton ACornell C1320
Jared SchwartzRIT BESF A13210