
The Wati language has l (“ell”), null, n, and ng (“ing”) classes for this process, among the most in the Pama–Nyungan family. Per the title of a Franz Bopp paper, this process’s rules in Sanskrit contrast with those in Greek, Latin, Persian, and Germanic languages. Modern Hebrew eliminated the “vav-consecutive” construction for this process. (10[1]-5[2])In Japanese, words (10[1])called “ichidan” remove or replace the final kana via this process, (-5[1])unlike (10[1])“godan” words. (10[1]-5[2])In the French preterite form, (10[1])this (10[1])process (10[1])replaces the final (10[1])“er” (“E-R”) and replaces (10[2])it with (10[1])“ai” (10[5])(“A-I”) for the first- (10[4]-5[2])or third-person. (10[4]0[1]-5[2])In contrast (10[4])to (10[1])declension for nouns (10[1])or adjectives, (10[4])this process (10[1])is the inflection of verbs. (10[7])For 10 points, name this process in which verbs (10[1])are modified to match (10[1])categories (10[1])like grammatical person, as in the difference between “I buzz” and “he buzzes.” (10[1])■END■ (10[5])

ANSWER: grammatical conjugation [or verb conjugation; prompt on inflection until read; prompt on prefixing or suffixing by asking “for what grammatical purpose?”]
<NS, Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%17%92.67
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%95.83
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%75.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%97.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y989%0%11%88.63
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y3100%0%67%108.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matthew AndersenFlorida BFlorida A51-5
Luke RobitailleMIT ABrandeis A51-5
Sasha WertimeHaverford BNYU B5110
John MarvinChicago AIllinois C5410
Joy AnHarvard AHarvard B65-5
Anne FjeldAlbertaUBC6610
Foster HughesMinnesota BIowa State68-5
Matthew SumanenGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech D6810
Elijah O’Sick JohnsonBinghamton AESF A68-5
Andrew WangIllinois AWashU B7310
Michael ZhouGeorgia Tech ALouisville A7410
Kevin PengCornell CCornell D7510
Todd MaslykMichigan AOhio State B7810
Daniel HuangMichigan DMichigan State8110
Jonathan BostLiberty BWake Forest8110
Avery BarnettHaverford AGeorge Washington B8310
Rohan ShelkeUC Berkeley BUCLA8410
Mitchell IndekMichigan BCarnegie Mellon B8410
Philip YaoBrown ABU8410
Truman FillbrandtUW AUW B8410
Jackson McDonaldAlabama ATennessee A8410
Anthony YinCase Western BOhio State A8710
Danila KabotyanskiIndiana AChicago B8710
Max HodesChicago DWashU A8710
William ParocaiDartmouth ATufts A87-5
Jem BurchYale AMaryland A8710
Will HooverRIT ARIT B87-5
Ryan JudgeCarnegie Mellon AKenyon89-5
Braeden LaRocheSouth CarolinaLiberty A8910
Owen ArnesonMissouriMissoui S&T8910
Samarth RamChicago CIndiana B8910
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AColumbia C8910
Lowrie WoodsideGeorge Washington APenn B890
Kaiden CareyPenn BGeorge Washington A89-5
Sam KungUNC DVirginia Tech A9110
Ian SaylorWisconsin BCarleton9110
Jaik HavlickASUTexas A9110
James ZhaoVanderbilt ABruin A9110
Maximilian NieburJohns Hopkins ANYU A9210
Elie AounCase Western AMichigan C9510
Annika LarsonClaremont BUCSD9710
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AClaremont A9710
Henry KeatingUCF CFlorida State A9710
Soren HeydariUNC BLiberty C9710
Aum MundheRutgers AMaryland B9910
Clete ReinbergerValencia AUCF B10410
Joseph ChambersVirginia ADuke10410
Henry BonWinona StateWisconsin A10410
Will ZhangTufts ADartmouth A10410
Keerthana KrishnanTexas BTAMU10410
Jack RadoColumbia BCornell B10410
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeVassar A10410
Chris YooWilliam & MaryUNC C11310
Michael SunBrandeis BUMass Boston11710
Emilie MooreRIT BRIT A11810
Elizabeth WallaceKenyonCarnegie Mellon A13110
Tiffany ZhouFlorida AFlorida B13210
Conor ThompsonIowa StateMinnesota B13210
Jonathan SchnipperBrandeis AMIT A13210
James McCurleyHarvard BHarvard A13210
Gregory StoneESF ABinghamton A13210