
Gabriel Nivasch’s “multi-stack” algorithm identifies these structures. An unsolved problem that asks whether these structures produce a double cover reduces to asking about “snarks.” These structures cause Kahn’s algorithm to output an empty list, since they prevent topological sortings. (10[1])Pollard’s (10[1])algorithm (10[1])for (10[1])integer factorization (10[1])is named for the eventual resemblance to one of these structures over time. Gosper’s algorithm (-5[1])for detecting these structures improves upon another (10[1])algorithm that creates a leading and trailing pointer called a “hare” (10[1])and “tortoise” (10[2])and is named (10[1])for Floyd. Detecting (10[1])these structures by checking (-5[1])already-visited nodes (-5[1])ensures that (-5[1])DFS (10[1]-5[1])halts. (10[2])The [emphasize] (10[1])absence of these structures defines the “A” in a (10[3])DAG. For 10 (10[3])points, name (10[2])these paths in a (10[2])graph that (10[1]-5[1])eventually lead back to their (10[1])start. (10[11]0[4])■END■

ANSWER: cycles [accept word forms such as cyclic; accept circular or circuital or loops]
<Texas A, Other Science>
= Average correct buzz position


Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%100.83
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%104.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y888%0%0%79.86


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rasheeq AzadUNC BVirginia A3810
Nathan SheffieldMIT AHarvard A3910
Justin KeungImperial AOxford A4010
David BassJohns Hopkins AHaverford A4110
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AMaryland A4310
James ByrneBristolSouthampton B58-5
Michał GerasimiukStanford BPurdue6510
Richard NiuCornell BYale A7610
Benjamin LiuOxford CDurham7810
Hrishit ChaudhuriNYU BVassar A7810
Ned TagtmeierChicago AIndiana A8110
Philip YaoBrown ABrandeis B8410
Matt SheldonOxford BSouthampton A88-5
Yash MandaviaIllinois BIllinois A90-5
Alvin GuoChicago DIllinois C92-5
Jerry ZhangHarvard BTufts A9310
Jacob FinleyNotre Dame ANorthwestern B93-5
Matthew WangUBCUW B9410
Albert NyangLSECambridge A9410
Ivan StanisavljevicDukeLiberty C9610
Josh SchmidtLiberty AUNC C10510
Shiv SeshanCambridge BManchester10510
Noah ChenColumbia BMaryland B10510
Linus LuuCambridge DWarwick A10810
Chauncey LoColumbia CRutgers A10810
Ryan RosenbergNYU APenn B10810
Andrew WangIllinois AIllinois B11010
Charles HangWashU AMissouri11010
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AIowa11410
Sophie HiggsUW AAlberta11410
Jay KimChicago BWashU B116-5
Nikhil NairBUUMass Boston11610
Andrew FisherSheffieldCambridge C12110
Sam KungUNC DLiberty B12210
Eric ChangVirginia Tech AWake Forest12210
Derek AldridgeWilliam & MarySouth Carolina12210
June YinWashU BChicago B12210
Jacob HarlMissoui S&TIndiana B12210
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CChicago D12210
Jacob PuthipirojNorthwestern BNotre Dame A12210
Max KoldaNotre Dame BGeorgetown B12210
Tobin PayneWarwick BCambridge E1220
Rafael CastroImperial BNYU C12210
Cormac StephensonSouthampton AOxford B12210
Michael WuSouthampton BBristol12210
Ruth Ní MhuircheartaighCambridge EWarwick B1220
William BrokerHaverford BGeorge Washington B1220
Samuel KassoverGeorge Washington BHaverford B1220