
A character from this book is shown in front of a nude figure pointing left and straddling a figure emerging from the sea in two entries of a series commissioned by Thomas Butts. (-5[1])A large triptych from the 1850s inspired by this book includes The Plains of Heaven and was the last major work by John Martin. (-5[1])The title figure holds a lightning (10[1])bolt (-5[1])amid (-5[1])raised swords (-5[1])in the last of three versions of a painting based on this book by Benjamin West. This book inspired William Blake’s painting The Great Red Dragon (10[2])and the Woman (10[2]-5[1])Clothed (10[3])with the Sun. (10[4])A painting inspired by this book (10[2])depicts an (10[1])elongated man in blue raising his hands (10[1])to the cloudy sky; (10[1])that El Greco painting (10[1])is The Opening (10[1])of the Fifth Seal. (10[9]-5[2])For 10 points, (10[2])what biblical book (10[3]-5[1])inspired (10[3])Albrecht (10[1]-5[1])Dürer’s The Four (10[1])Horsemen (10[2])of the Apocalypse? (10[3]-5[1])■END■ (10[8]0[1])

ANSWER: Book of Revelation [prompt on Bible or New Testament; reject “Revelations” or “Book of Revelations”] (Benjamin West’s painting is Death on a Pale Horse.)
<Toronto D, Painting and Sculpture>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%50%134.33
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%127.33
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%142.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%95.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y989%0%44%136.38
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y3100%0%0%131.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jason QinColumbia BCornell B32-5
Andrew WangIllinois AWashU B56-5
Kevin ParkClaremont AUC Berkeley A6210
Anton AkroushMichigan StateMichigan D63-5
Yashwanth BajjiMichigan AOhio State B64-5
Alex JiangBrown ABU66-5
John Luke BroussardTAMUTexas B9210
Harris BecknerAlabama ATennessee A9210
Jack LengaCarnegie Mellon BMichigan B95-5
Ned TagtmeierChicago AIllinois C9510
Jon SuhHarvard AHarvard B9510
Henry KeatingUCF CFlorida State A9610
Henry BonWinona StateWisconsin A9610
Michael SunBrandeis BUMass Boston9610
Anuttam RamjiUC Berkeley BUCLA9910
Braden BoothMissouriMissoui S&T9910
Annabelle YangWashU AChicago D9910
Bryan UgazASUTexas A9910
Josh SchmidtLiberty ASouth Carolina10510
Conor ThompsonIowa StateMinnesota B10510
Beckett GilmoreLouisville AGeorgia Tech A10710
Carter PisockyMichigan CCase Western A11410
Catherine MajorWake ForestLiberty B11810
Cade ReinbergerRIT ARIT B12210
Justin HawkinsIndiana AChicago B12510
Tiffany ZhouFlorida AFlorida B12910
Xavier MigliaccioCarnegie Mellon AKenyon12910
Simon ZimmermanOhio State ACase Western B12910
Noah ChinVirginia Tech AUNC D12910
William ParocaiDartmouth ATufts A12910
Yrwin BatanMIT ABrandeis A12910
Alan FanUW BUW A129-5
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeVassar A129-5
Isaac MammelMaryland AYale A12910
Aum MundheRutgers AMaryland B12910
Eshan PantNYU AJohns Hopkins A12910
Clete ReinbergerValencia AUCF B13210
Audrey ChoHaverford AGeorge Washington B13210
Joseph ChambersVirginia ADuke13510
Nermeen RahmanIndiana BChicago C13510
Samir SarmaGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech B135-5
Peter SmithBinghamton AESF A13510
Samuel LiWilliam & MaryUNC C13610
Yuxuan LuVanderbilt ABruin A13610
Kevin PengCornell CCornell D13610
Derek ChenColumbia CPenn A13710
Leonard CastinePenn BGeorge Washington A137-5
Jonathan HoAlbertaUBC14010
Nolan DannelsUCSDClaremont B14110
Soren HeydariUNC BLiberty C14110
Mitchell IndekMichigan BCarnegie Mellon B14410
John Hines-ShahCarletonWisconsin B14410
Truman FillbrandtUW AUW B14410
Zaid AsifNYU BHaverford B144-5
Rohan Navaneetha RajOhio State BMichigan A14510
Cole PolleyMichigan DMichigan State14510
John John GrogerWashU BIllinois A14510
Eren MicheletBUBrown A14510
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech D14510
Nathan ZhangCornell BColumbia B14510
Sam MacchiVassar AJohn Jay College14510
Kaiben BennettHaverford BNYU B1450
Nicholas LaneGeorge Washington APenn B14510