
A courtyard on the west side of this structure has an iron chain suspended from its entrance to force anyone who enters on horseback to bow their head. Parts of this structure (-5[1])inspired by (-5[1])fauna (-5[1])include four pillars nicknamed “elephant feet” and chandeliers (-5[1])that, to ward off nesting spiders, (10[1])contained ostrich eggs. (-5[2])This structure’s (-5[1])architect allegedly misheard the adjective “gold” as “six” when receiving (10[1]0[1])directions for the design of its towers, (-5[1])which was controversial since only one other such structure (10[2])had that many towers. (10[1]-5[1])The (10[1])entire ceramics industry (-5[1])of Iznik (10[1])was dedicated (-5[1])towards (10[1])this (10[1])structure, (-5[4])which a teenage monarch built (-5[1])in the 1610s next (10[1]-5[1])to the (10[1])Hippodrome (10[1]-5[1])to surpass the beauty (10[1])of the (-5[1])Hagia Sophia. (10[5])For 10 points, what (10[1])place of worship (-5[1])in (10[1])Istanbul (10[1])is nicknamed (10[1])for the color (10[1])of (10[2])its (10[2])tiles? (10[2])■END■ (10[22]0[1])

ANSWER: Blue Mosque [or Sultan Ahmed Mosque; or Sultan Ahmet Camii] (The mosque of the Kaaba was the only other mosque to have six minarets at the time of the Blue Mosque’s construction.)
<AP, Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%110.50
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%50%128.83
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%100%132.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%131.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y9100%0%33%123.56
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y3100%0%0%83.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aum MundheRutgers APenn A31-5
Jacob PuthipirojNorthwestern BGeorgetown A33-5
Beckett GilmoreLouisville AGeorgia Tech C34-5
Brielle RachIowaPurdue42-5
Owen LinderBinghamton ACornell C4810
Raj DoshiUCF BFlorida State A51-5
Michał GerasimiukStanford BNorthwestern A51-5
Ryan RosenbergNYU ACornell B53-5
John MarvinChicago AChicago D6310
Eric YangPurdueIowa630
William OrrYale AColumbia B70-5
Clete ReinbergerValencia AFlorida A7910
Pranaav SenthilkumarCornell DRIT A7910
Danila KabotyanskiIndiana AWashU B8310
Elliott GomesDartmouth AHarvard B83-5
Joy AnHarvard ABrandeis B8410
Jaik HavlickASUTexas B87-5
Todd MaslykMichigan ACarnegie Mellon A8910
Liam StarnesChicago BIllinois B91-5
Ben KoberleinNotre Dame BNotre Dame C9210
Charles HangWashU AIndiana B9310
Braeden LaRocheSouth CarolinaLiberty B94-5
Jeffrey AustinUNC DVirginia A94-5
Megan WangBrown ATufts A94-5
Sophie HiggsUW AUBC94-5
Aaron MarchandCarletonIowa State99-5
Justin WytmarIllinois AChicago C103-5
Elijah ScheinsonColumbia CJohn Jay College10310
Isaac MammelMaryland AJohns Hopkins A10510
Adam MonuskoMichigan BMichigan State10610
Jacob EgolDukeLiberty A106-5
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BUCF C11010
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CMissouri112-5
Prahalad RaoOhio State BMichigan D11410
Calvin BostlemanOhio State ACase Western A11410
Noah ChinVirginia Tech AUNC C11410
Jonathan HuangMIT AUMass Boston11410
Hrishit ChaudhuriNYU BGeorge Washington B11410
Leo TaoMichigan CCarnegie Mellon B11810
Alan FanUW BAlberta121-5
Anthony YinCase Western BKenyon12210
Tom ScheriRIT BESF A12310
Britton WebsterAlabama ABruin A12510
Puna EkkaMinnesota BWinona State12810
Eren MicheletBUBrandeis A12910
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech BVanderbilt A12910
Drew ScheinerMissouriIllinois C13010
Leonard CastinePenn BHaverford A13010
Jonathan BostLiberty BSouth Carolina13110
Karan GurazadaTexas ATAMU13110
Juan LandaetaFlorida State AUCF B13210
Lilli McLaughlinWake ForestLiberty C13210
Graham TroyUNC BWilliam & Mary13210
Joseph ChambersVirginia AUNC D13210
Caleb HinesLiberty ADuke13210
Yash MandaviaIllinois BChicago B13210
Sam KonkelChicago CIllinois A13210
Conor ThompsonIowa StateCarleton13210
Declan CobbWisconsin AWisconsin B13210
John ChaTufts ABrown A13210
James McCurleyHarvard BDartmouth A1320
Cole HartungGeorgetown ANorthwestern B13210
Christopher SimsNorthwestern AStanford B13210
Tai BelkeUBCUW A13210
Anne FjeldAlbertaUW B13210
Keerthana KrishnanTexas BASU13210
Michael ZhouGeorgia Tech ATennessee A13210
Jeffrey XuGeorgia Tech CLouisville A13210
Daniel KimMaryland BVassar A13210
William GrogerColumbia BYale A13210
Anirudh BharadwajPenn ARutgers A13210
Nathan ZhangCornell BNYU A13210
Sasha WertimeHaverford BGeorge Washington A13210