
A picaresque novel by this author features the laughing baboon Bosse-de-Nage (“boss-duh-NAHZH”) as a companion to a doctor of a field that “explains the universe supplementary to this one.” W. B. Yeats lamented, “after us, the Savage God” after seeing a play by this author whose protagonist frequently swears “by my green candle.” (-5[1])This author started staging one of his plays with marionettes after an uproar at its premiere (-5[1])over the title character’s exclamation (10[1])of “merde!” (10[3]-5[1])(“maird”) with an extra R. (10[3])This author invented (10[1])the “science (10[1])of imaginary solutions,” ’pataphysics. (10[4]-5[1])Sequels titled for a man “Cuckolded” (10[2])and “in Chains” (-5[1])follow a send-up of Macbeth by this author in which the title king goes to war with Russia after he (10[1])usurps the throne of Poland. For 10 points, name this absurdist French author of Ubu Roi ■END■ (10[4]0[23])

ANSWER: Alfred Jarry (“zhah-REE”) (The first sentence refers to Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll.)
<HG, European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y633%0%0%83.50
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%82.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y838%0%25%92.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Michael KearneyHarvard AMIT A51-5
Jakob MyersIndiana AChicago A67-5
Nathan SheffieldMIT AHarvard A7210
Joseph ChambersVirginia AUNC B7410
Andrew FisherSheffieldCambridge C74-5
Arya KarthikOxford AImperial A7410
Aum MundheRutgers AColumbia C7410
Andrew WangIllinois AIllinois B7810
Michał GerasimiukStanford BPurdue7810
Russell NipUBCUW B7810
Neal JoshiWashU BChicago B8110
Agnijo BanerjeeCambridge ALSE8310
Anne FjeldAlbertaUW A8710
Chris LevesleyWarwick ACambridge D8710
Michael WuSouthampton BBristol8710
Richard NiuCornell BYale A8710
Ryan RosenbergNYU APenn B87-5
Noah ChinVirginia Tech AWake Forest9310
Charles HangWashU AMissouri9310
Sinecio MoralesJohns Hopkins AHaverford A96-5
Jack RadoColumbia BMaryland B11610
Robert FreemanSouth CarolinaWilliam & Mary1330
Aidan JonesLiberty AUNC C1330
Miller DoerrLiberty BUNC D1330
Johanna BryantLiberty CDuke1330
Chris YooWilliam & MarySouth Carolina1330
Max HodesChicago DIllinois C1330
Ned TagtmeierChicago AIndiana A13310
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CChicago D1330
Eren MicheletBUUMass Boston1330
Christopher SimsNorthwestern AIowa13310
Jacob FinleyNotre Dame ANorthwestern B1330
Stephen WalshNorthwestern BNotre Dame A1330
Ben HorningGeorgetown BNotre Dame B1330
Noah McRedmondNotre Dame BGeorgetown B1330
Kai MadgwickManchesterCambridge B1330
Josh HowarthWarwick BCambridge E1330
Eliza DeanOxford BSouthampton A13310
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU CImperial B1330
Ian McDowellCambridge CSheffield1330
Louis CameronCambridge EWarwick B1330
Benjamin WatsonOxford CDurham13310
Sasha WertimeHaverford BGeorge Washington B1330
Hrishit ChaudhuriNYU BVassar A1330
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AMaryland A1330
Vedh RameshPenn BNYU A1330
Audrey ChoHaverford AJohns Hopkins A1330
Isaac MammelMaryland APenn A1330