
A novel’s final stream-of-consciousness passage frequently intersperses this word with images of a “mountain flower” from Gibraltar and a man whose “heart was going like mad.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this final word in James Joyce’s Ulysses. In that novel, Molly Bloom ends her monologue by saying “I said” and “I will” with this word before, between, and after those phrases.
ANSWER: yes [accept “yes I said yes I will yes”]
[10h] In the “Scylla and Charybdis” episode of Ulysses, Stephen says “yes, [this word],” calling it the “Word known to all men.” The Parodist voice from the “Cyclops” episode mockingly uses this word four times in a five-word sentence whose third word is “to.”
ANSWER: love [or loves; accept “Love loves to love love.”]
[10e] This final novel by Joyce frequently repeats words and coined new ones, like “quark.” This challenging novel is titled for an Irish folk song about a service for a dead hard-drinking man.
ANSWER: Finnegans Wake
<UNC A, British Literature>

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Great Lakes2025-02-01Y611.6767%50%0%
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y514.0080%60%0%
South Central2025-02-01Y215.00100%50%0%
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y618.33100%83%0%
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y120.00100%100%0%


UCLAClaremont B1001020
UC Berkeley AUCSD1001020
Florida AUCF C1001020
Florida BUCF B0000
Carnegie Mellon AMichigan D1001020
Carnegie Mellon BCase Western A0000
KenyonOhio State A001010
Michigan ACase Western B1001020
Michigan StateMichigan C0000
Michigan BOhio State B1001020
William & MaryLiberty A1001020
Virginia Tech ALiberty C1001020
DukeUNC B001010
UNC DSouth Carolina0000
Virginia ALiberty B1001020
UC Berkeley BClaremont A1001020
Chicago AWashU A1001020
Chicago BIllinois A1001020
Indiana BWashU B1001020
Missoui S&TIllinois C0000
Illinois BMissouri1001020
Winona StateCarleton10101030
Minnesota BWisconsin A1001020
Iowa StateWisconsin B1001020
Dartmouth ABrandeis B1001020
Harvard ABrown A1001020
MIT ABU1001020
Harvard BTufts A1001020
UMass BostonBrandeis A100010
IowaNorthwestern A0000
Notre Dame ANorthwestern B1001020
Stanford BPurdue1001020
Chicago DChicago C1001020
Georgia Tech AGeorgia Tech B001010
Georgia Tech CGeorgia Tech D1001020
Tennessee AVanderbilt A001010
Texas ATexas B1001020
Cambridge DSouthampton A0101020
Cambridge EManchester10101030
Cambridge ADurham10101030
Oxford AImperial B1001020
Cambridge CNYU C001010
Warwick AOxford B1001020
Oxford CWarwick B1001020
Cambridge BSheffield1001020
Imperial ASouthampton B1001020
Maryland ACornell B001010
Johns Hopkins AColumbia B1001020
Columbia CMaryland B1001020
John Jay CollegeRutgers A1001020
Vassar APenn A1001020
Yale ANYU A1001020
RIT ABinghamton A1001020