To justify proclaiming a new kingdom, this ruler infamously interpreted abstentions and no votes predicated on religious freedom as yes votes. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this ruler that sent his son of the same name to lead the Ten Days Campaign, which was stopped by French intervention. This ruler remained hostile to a new nation until signing the 1839 Treaty of London.
ANSWER: William I [or Willem I; or Willem Frederik; accept William I of the Netherlands; prompt on William or Willem; reject “William the Silent” or “William of Orange”]
[10m] Catholics and Liberals allied in the revolution against William I that formed this country. A riot over an opera set in Italy was the immediate spark of that revolution in this modern-day country.
ANSWER: Belgium [or Kingdom of Belgium; or België; or Belgique; or Belgien]
[10e] William I was the first king of this dynasty to rule the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This dynasty governed the Dutch Republic under William the Silent and Maurice.
ANSWER: Orange [or Oranje; or House of Orange-Nassau; or Huis van Oranje-Nassau]
<EC, European History>