Nancy Cartwright, who originated the “dappled world” view of science, is one of many members of the “Stanford School” who support an “entity” form of this position. For 10 points each:
[10m] Mathematical Platonism is a form of what position? Adherents of this view in the philosophy of science believe that our scientific theories are approximately true and describe a universe that actually exists.
ANSWER: scientific realism [or word forms like realist; accept mathematical realism or entity realism]
[10h] These things follow the word “no” in the realist argument that our theories would likely be far worse if they were not roughly true. Richard Swinburne’s book on “The Concept of” these things argues in favor of them.
ANSWER: miracles [accept no miracles argument]
[10e] The anti-realist “pessimistic induction,” which notes that past theories have been supplanted and so we should expect the same of our own, is often discussed using this philosopher’s book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
ANSWER: Thomas Kuhn [or Thomas Samuel Kuhn]
<Johns Hopkins, Philosophy>