In a myth of the Chukchi people, a spirit in the form of this animal created the Kamchatka Peninsula by dropping one of its feathers. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this type of bird said to portend the downfall of England if removed from the Tower of London. Huginn and Muninn are two of these birds that give information to Odin.
ANSWER: ravens [or crows or corvids]
[10m] Before one of these events, a goddess appeared to Donn Cuailnge (“COOL-nyuh”) in the form of a raven. Before one of these events, a pregnant woman who is forced to run a race against horses curses nearby men to suffer labor pains during their time of greatest need.
ANSWER: cattle raids [accept Cattle Raid of Cooley or Táin Bó Cúailnge; accept answers of stealing or theft of cows or cattle; prompt on raids or theft or stealing by asking “of what?”; prompt on invasions by asking “for what purpose?”]
[10h] In the Mabinogion, a group of ravens and soldiers take turns attacking each other while Owain and King Arthur play this game. In another myth, Midir wins an embrace and a kiss from Étaín after repeatedly losing to Eochaid (“ECK-id”) in this chess-like game.
ANSWER: fidchell (“FID-kell”) [or fidhcheall or fidceall or fithchill or gwyddbwyll]
<Southampton A, Mythology>