Juan Linz argued that this institution could result in two separate bodies claiming to represent the people’s will. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this institution that titles Linz’s essay on their “Perils.” Arthur Schlesinger discussed the “Imperial” form of this institution to describe its holders’ excesses of power.
ANSWER: presidency [or presidentialism; or POTUS; accept descriptions like having a president]
[10e] Linz argues that presidentialism is weak when there exists a “dual” form of legitimacy with a democratic system known by this term. In England, this term refers to a body consisting of the Houses of Lords and Commons.
ANSWER: Parliament [or parliamentary]
[10h] This political scientist argued that the role of the presidency is “merely the power to persuade” in his book Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents.
ANSWER: Richard Neustadt [or Richard Elliott Neustadt]
<Brandeis A, Social Science>