A 2024 paper by Schleussner et al. contrasts a “peak and decline” pathway involving this phenomenon with one involving “enhanced protection” that eventually descends back below a desired limit. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this phenomenon in which temperatures will exceed the 1.5-degree global warming goal set in the 2015 Paris Agreement.
ANSWER: overshoot [or climate overshoot]
[10m] Failing to meet a peak and decline pathway will result in “continued long-term warming” due to one of these processes. These general processes include ones named for Jacob Bjerknes (“BYURK-niss”).
ANSWER: feedbacks [or feedback mechanisms; or feedback loops; or Earth-system feedbacks; or positive feedback loops; accept climate change feedbacks or ice–albedo feedback or Bjerknes feedback]
[10e] The paper models climate outcomes in the “long-term state” and a warming phase that is called “pre-” this goal. This goal involves removing one ton of greenhouse gases for every ton emitted.
ANSWER: net-zero [or net-zero carbon emissions; accept climate neutrality]
<Johns Hopkins, Other Science>